Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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The Shining Path of Peru

de Palmer, David Scott ed.

Éditeur: London : C. Hurst, 1992.Description: xvi-270 p., cartes, photogr., notes, index.ISBN: 1-85065-152-3.N° Inventaire: L12697.Thématique: Politique | Mouvement révolutionnaire | Mouvement politique | Parti communiste du Pérou - Sentier lumineuxThématique spécifique: Mouvement social | Corruption | Economie | Maoïsme | Indigénisme | Classe ouvrière | Idéologie | Pouvoir central | Réforme agraire | Agriculture | Action révolutionnaire | Révolution | Commerce | Education | Développement économique | Marxisme | Inégalité sociale | Histoire | Minorités ethniques | Pouvoir politique | Parti communiste | Parti politique | Classe sociale | Siècle 20 | Coca | Trafic de drogue | Coopérative | Mouvement Tupac Amaru | Crise économique | Stratégie politique | Front démocratique | Action politique | Relations internationales | Violence | Droits de l'hommeGéographique: Amérique du Sud | Chine | Cuba | Etats-Unis | Ayacucho | Andes | Pérou | Vallée du Haut Huallaga | Lima | Andahuaylas | URSS (1922-1991)Ethnique: Mestizo | QuechuaPersonnage: Mao Ze Dong | Trotsky (L.) | Guzman Reynoso (A.) | Staline‏, Iosif Vissarionovitch (1879-1953)Résumé: MILLONES (L.), About the CoverRésumé: SMITH (M. L.), Taking the High Ground : Shining Path and the AndesRésumé: DEGREGORI (C. I.), The Origins and Logic of Shining Path : Two views. Return to the pastRésumé: WIT (T. de) & GIANOTTEN (V.), The Center's Multiple FailuresRésumé: ISBELL (B. J.), Shining Path and Peasant Responses in Rural AyacuchoRésumé: BERG (R. H.), Peasant Responses to Shining Path in AndahuaylasRésumé: GONZALES (J. E.), Guerrillas and Coca in the Upper Huallaga ValleyRésumé: SMITH (M. L.), Shining Path's Urban Strategy : Ate VitarteRésumé: GORRITI (G.), Shining Path's Stalin and TrotskyRésumé: TARAZONA-SEVILLANO (G.), The Organization of Shining PathRésumé: MARKS (T.), Making Revolution with Shining PathRésumé: WOY-HAZLETON (S.) & HAZLETON (W. A.), Shining Path and the Marxist LeftRésumé: McCLINTOCK (C.), Theories of Revolution and the Case of PeruRésumé: PALMER (D. S.), Conclusion : The view from the windows Item type: Ouvrage
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Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général F 3431 P173 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available L12697


MILLONES (L.), About the Cover

SMITH (M. L.), Taking the High Ground : Shining Path and the Andes

DEGREGORI (C. I.), The Origins and Logic of Shining Path : Two views. Return to the past

WIT (T. de) & GIANOTTEN (V.), The Center's Multiple Failures

ISBELL (B. J.), Shining Path and Peasant Responses in Rural Ayacucho

BERG (R. H.), Peasant Responses to Shining Path in Andahuaylas

GONZALES (J. E.), Guerrillas and Coca in the Upper Huallaga Valley

SMITH (M. L.), Shining Path's Urban Strategy : Ate Vitarte

GORRITI (G.), Shining Path's Stalin and Trotsky

TARAZONA-SEVILLANO (G.), The Organization of Shining Path

MARKS (T.), Making Revolution with Shining Path

WOY-HAZLETON (S.) & HAZLETON (W. A.), Shining Path and the Marxist Left

McCLINTOCK (C.), Theories of Revolution and the Case of Peru

PALMER (D. S.), Conclusion : The view from the windows

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