Anthropology and Art : readings in cross-cultural aesthetics.
de Otten, Charlotte M. ed.
Collection: American Museum Sourcebooks in Anthropology .Éditeur: New York : Doubleday and Company, The Natural History Press, 1971.Description: xvi-440 p. : pl. photogr. h.-t.N° Inventaire: L12540.Thématique: Art primitif | Esthétique | Anthropologie de l'art | Art | Histoire de l'artThématique spécifique: Influence culturelle | Religion | Oralité | Stéréotype | Fonction symbolique | Ethnographie | Sacré | Art funéraire | Objet d'art | Gravure | Fonction religieuse | Imitation | Artiste | Fonctionnalisme | Primitivisme | Musée | Fonction sociale | Stylistique | Sculpture | Cosmologie | Objet sacré | Système de représentation | Analyse transculturelle | Collection ethnographique | Valeur marchande | Emotion | Art occidental | Société primitive | Art rupestre | Magie | Orfèvrerie | Rituel | Objet | Créativité | Masque | Musique | Paléolithique | Muséologie | Critique d'art | Idéologie | Préhistoire | Art moderne | Abstraction | Peinture | Forgeron | Figuration | Contact culturel | Changement culturel | ColonisationGéographique: Guatemala | Sibérie | Nouvelle-Irlande | Europe | Nouvelle-Guinée | Côte d'Ivoire | Australie | Mali | Pérou | Japon | Mexique | Amérique centrale | Yucatán | Amérique du Sud | Arctique | Océanie | Canada | Colombie | Asie | Chine | Amérique du Nord | Afrique | Nouvelles-Hébrides (18ème siècle - 20ème siècle)Ethnique: Tlingit | Zapotèque | Tiwi | Dan | Salish | Dogon | Tiv | Afro-américain | Olmèque | Toltèque | Chimu | Indien -- Amérique du Nord | Inuit | Aztèque | Quechua | Arapesh | Wobé | Kwakiutl | Hopi | IgboContenu: Figural Preferences in the Drawing of a Chimpanzee / Schiller, P.H. -- The Discovery of Primitive Art / Fraser, D. -- Art and Icon / Redfield, R. -- Art : An introduction to qualitative anthropology / Mills, G. -- The Arts and Anthropology / Merrian, A.P. -- Roots of Primitive Art / Muensterberger, W. -- Studies on Middle American Art / Proskouriakoff, T. -- Discussion of Proskouriakoff's Paper / Rands, R.L. -- Art Styles as Cultural Cognitive Maps / Fischer, J.L. -- The Eskimo Artist / Carpenter, E. -- Artist and Critic in an African Society / Bohannan, P. -- The Cultural Context of Creativity among Tiwi / Goodle, J.C. ; Koss, J.D. -- The Arts and Their Changing Social Function / Sieber, R. -- On the Colonial Extinction of the Motifs of Pre-Columbian Art / Kubler, G. -- African Influence on the Music of the Americas / Waterman, R.A. -- Critical Analysis of Interpretations, and Conclusions and Problems from Palaeolithic Cave Art / Ucko, Peter J. ; Rosenfeld, A. -- The Early Great Styles and the Rise of the Pre-Columbian Civilization / Willey, G.R. -- Ancient American Goldsmiths / Easby, D.T. -- Clay Sculpture from Jaina / Anda, L.A.A. ; Eckholm, G.F. -- Northwest Coast Indian Art / Gunther, E. -- The Vanishing Art of the Arctic / Rainey, F. -- Ife in Nigerian Art / Willett, F. -- Art as an Element of Culture in Africa / Gerbrands, A.A. -- Introduction, New Zeland, Sepik River, and New Ireland from Arts of the South Seas / Linton, R. ; Wingert, P.S. Item type:

Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Éric-de-Dampierre | Fonds général | GN 309.1 .C7 O91 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Consultation sur place | L12540 |
Bibliogr. Index.
Figural Preferences in the Drawing of a Chimpanzee / Schiller, P.H. -- The Discovery of Primitive Art / Fraser, D. -- Art and Icon / Redfield, R. -- Art : An introduction to qualitative anthropology / Mills, G. -- The Arts and Anthropology / Merrian, A.P. -- Roots of Primitive Art / Muensterberger, W. -- Studies on Middle American Art / Proskouriakoff, T. -- Discussion of Proskouriakoff's Paper / Rands, R.L. -- Art Styles as Cultural Cognitive Maps / Fischer, J.L. -- The Eskimo Artist / Carpenter, E. -- Artist and Critic in an African Society / Bohannan, P. -- The Cultural Context of Creativity among Tiwi / Goodle, J.C. ; Koss, J.D. -- The Arts and Their Changing Social Function / Sieber, R. -- On the Colonial Extinction of the Motifs of Pre-Columbian Art / Kubler, G. -- African Influence on the Music of the Americas / Waterman, R.A. -- Critical Analysis of Interpretations, and Conclusions and Problems from Palaeolithic Cave Art / Ucko, Peter J. ; Rosenfeld, A. -- The Early Great Styles and the Rise of the Pre-Columbian Civilization / Willey, G.R. -- Ancient American Goldsmiths / Easby, D.T. -- Clay Sculpture from Jaina / Anda, L.A.A. ; Eckholm, G.F. -- Northwest Coast Indian Art / Gunther, E. -- The Vanishing Art of the Arctic / Rainey, F. -- Ife in Nigerian Art / Willett, F. -- Art as an Element of Culture in Africa / Gerbrands, A.A. -- Introduction, New Zeland, Sepik River, and New Ireland from Arts of the South Seas / Linton, R. ; Wingert, P.S.
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