Clio in Oceania : toward a historical anthropology.
de Biersack, Aletta ed.
Éditeur: Washington, London : Smithsonian Institution Press, 1991.Description: 383 p. : cartes, fig.ISBN: 0-87474-304-4.N° Inventaire: L12373.Thématique: Histoire de l'anthropologie | Histoire | Ethnohistoire | Anthropologie | HistoriographieThématique spécifique: Système symbolique | Siècle 19 | Système religieux | Homme Blanc | Interprétation | Sorcellerie | Présent | Sources historiques | Relations interdisciplinaires | Don | Anthropologie structurale | Changement social | Echange cérémoniel | Epistémologie | Siècle 20 | Capitalisme | Historicité | Passé | Changement économique | Parenté | Circulation des biens | Tradition orale | Missionnaires européens | Mouvement religieux | Mythe | Millénarisme | Conflit politique | Cosmologie | Conscience historique | Phénoménologie | Pouvoir politique | Prêtre | Acculturation | Culte du cargo | Contact culturel | Adventisme | Ethnographie | Guerre | Territoire | Relation de voyage | Relations interinsulaires | Pouvoir religieux | Sacrifice humain | Temple | Histoire évènementielle | Big Man | Rituel complexeGéographique: Viti Levu | Fidji | Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée | Polynésie | Océanie | Rewa | Bau | Mélanésie | HawaïContenu: Introduction : History and theory in anthropology / Biersack, A. -- The Return of the Event, Again ; with reflections on the beginnings of the great Fijian war of 1843 to 1855 between the kingdoms of Bau and Rewa / Sahlins, M. -- The Transformation of a Transformation : A structural essay on an aspect of Hawaiian history (1809 to 1819) / Valeri, V. -- Inside, Outside: a Hawaiian community in the world-system / Linnelin, J. -- Struggles for Meaning / Strathern, A. J. -- Prisoners of Time: Millenarian praxis in a Melanesian valley / Biersack, A. -- Alejandro Mayta in Fiji: Narratives about millenarianism, colonialism, postcolonial politics and custom / Thomas, N. -- New Ireland is Shaped Like a Rifle and we are at the Trigger: The power of digestion in cultural reproduction / Wagner, R. -- A Poetic for Histories: Transformations that present the past / Dening, G. Item type:

Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Éric-de-Dampierre | Fonds général | DU 495 B589 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | L12373 |
Notes. Bibliogr. dissém. Append.
Introduction : History and theory in anthropology / Biersack, A. -- The Return of the Event, Again ; with reflections on the beginnings of the great Fijian war of 1843 to 1855 between the kingdoms of Bau and Rewa / Sahlins, M. -- The Transformation of a Transformation : A structural essay on an aspect of Hawaiian history (1809 to 1819) / Valeri, V. -- Inside, Outside: a Hawaiian community in the world-system / Linnelin, J. -- Struggles for Meaning / Strathern, A. J. -- Prisoners of Time: Millenarian praxis in a Melanesian valley / Biersack, A. -- Alejandro Mayta in Fiji: Narratives about millenarianism, colonialism, postcolonial politics and custom / Thomas, N. -- New Ireland is Shaped Like a Rifle and we are at the Trigger: The power of digestion in cultural reproduction / Wagner, R. -- A Poetic for Histories: Transformations that present the past / Dening, G.
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