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Concepts of Person Kinship, caste and marriage in India

de Barnett, Steve ed; Ostör, Akos ed; Maybury-Lewis, David introd; Fruzzetti, Lina M. ed.

Collection: Harvard Studies in Cultural Anthropology. 5 .Éditeur: Cambridge (Mass.), London : Harvard University Press, 1982.Description: xiv-271 p., fig., tabl., notes, index.ISBN: 0-674-15765-6.N° Inventaire: L12226.Thématique: Personne | Mariage | Identité personnelle | Caste | Identité socialeThématique spécifique: Virginité | Dharma | Impureté | Intouchable | Catégorie de parenté | Parenté | Brahmane | Terme d'adresse | Chuhras | Socialisation | Cycle de vie | Destin | Statut social | Hindouisme | Construction de la personne | Hypergamie | Famille | Psychologie | Alliance | Veuvage | Rite matrimonial | Idéologie | Femme | Sang | Linguistique | Pandit | Hiérarchie sociale | Sexualité | Terminologie de parenté | Pureté | Rituel | Prescription matrimoniale | Sémantique | Rite funéraireGéographique: Cachemire | Inde du Nord | Asie centrale et du Sud | Tamil Nadu | Bengale | Inde | Inde du Sud | Uttar Pradesh Ethnique: Rajpoute Résumé: FRUZZETTI (L.), OSTöR (A.) & BARNETT (S.), The Cultural Construction of the Person in Bengal and TamilnaduRésumé: FRUZZETTI (L.) & OSTöR (A.), Bad Blood in Bengal : Category and affect in the study of kinship, caste and marriageRésumé: VATUK (S.), Forms of Address in the North Indian Family : An exploration of the cultural meaning of kin termsRésumé: MADAN (T. N.), The Ideology of the Householder among the Kashmiri PanditsRésumé: CARTER (A. T.), Hierarchy and the Concept of the Person in Western IndiaRésumé: KHARE (R. S.), From Kanya to Mata : Aspects of the cultural language of kinship in northern IndiaRésumé: KOLENDA (P.), Widowhood among "Untouchable" Chuhras Item type: Ouvrage
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Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général DS 422 .O75 O85 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available L12226
Éric-de-Dampierre Available L8039

Papers discussed at a conference held at Harvard Univ., Dec. 10-13, 1976


FRUZZETTI (L.), OSTöR (A.) & BARNETT (S.), The Cultural Construction of the Person in Bengal and Tamilnadu

FRUZZETTI (L.) & OSTöR (A.), Bad Blood in Bengal : Category and affect in the study of kinship, caste and marriage

VATUK (S.), Forms of Address in the North Indian Family : An exploration of the cultural meaning of kin terms

MADAN (T. N.), The Ideology of the Householder among the Kashmiri Pandits

CARTER (A. T.), Hierarchy and the Concept of the Person in Western India

KHARE (R. S.), From Kanya to Mata : Aspects of the cultural language of kinship in northern India

KOLENDA (P.), Widowhood among "Untouchable" Chuhras

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