The Flood Myth
de Dundes, Alan ed.
Éditeur: Berkeley, Los Angeles, London : University of California Press, 1988.Description: 452 p., carte, notes, index.ISBN: 0-520-05973-5.N° Inventaire: L11943.Thématique: Tradition orale | Recherche comparative | Mythe | Arche de Noé | DélugeThématique spécifique: Légende | Mythologie | Système de pensée | Humanité | Judaïsme | Inceste | Histoire | Diable | Archéologie | Cosmogonie | Science | Symbolisme | Folklorisme | Cataclysme | Religion | Théologie | Animal | AcculturationGéographique: Inde | Thaïlande | Asie du Sud-Est | Philippines | Afrique | Mésopotamie | Babylone | Australie | Amérique | AsieEthnique: Tamoul | Khmou | Aborigène | Assyrien | Sumérien | AmérindienAuteur cité: Bible | GenèsePersonnage: Abraham | Moïse | Noé | Adam | EveRésumé: The Flood (Genesis 6-9)Résumé: HABEL (N.C.), The Two Flood Stories in GenesisRésumé: SMITH (G.), The Chaldean Account of the DelugeRésumé: HMMERLY-DUPUY (D.), Some Observations on the Assyro-Babylonian and Sumerian Flood StoriesRésumé: FRYMER-KENSKY (T.), The Atrahasis Epic and its Significance for our Understanding of Genesis 1-9Résumé: FOLLANSBEE (E.), The Story of the Flood in the Light of Comparative Semitic MythologyRésumé: WOOLLEY (L.), Stories of the Creation and the FloodRésumé: CALDER (W. M.), New Light on Ovid's Story of Philemon and BaucisRésumé: FRAZER (J. G.), The Great FloodRésumé: KELSEN (H.), The Principle of Retribution in the Flood and Catastrophe MythsRésumé: ROHEIM (G.), The Flood Myth as Vesical DreamRésumé: DUNDES (A.), The Flood as Male Myth of CreationRésumé: HORCASITAS (F.), An Analysis of the Deluge Myth in MesoamericaRésumé: LAMMEL (A.), Historical Changes as Reflected in South American Indian MythsRésumé: KOLIG (E.), Noah's Ark Revisited : On the myth-land connection in traditional Australian aboriginal thoughtRésumé: KHLER-MEYER (E.), Myth Motifs in Flood Stories from the Grassland of CameroonRésumé: DEMETRIO (F.), The Flood Motif and the Symbolism of Rebirth in Filipino MythologyRésumé: LINDELL (K.), SWAHN (J.-O.) & TAYANIN (D.), The Flood : Three Northern Kammu versions of the story of creationRésumé: KOPPERS (W.), The Deluge Myth of the Bhils of Central IndiaRésumé: SHULMAN (D.), The Tamil Flood Myths and the Cankam LegendRésumé: GINZBERG (L.), Noah and the Flood in Jewish LegendRésumé: UTLEY (F. L.), The Devil in the Ark (AaTh 825)Résumé: ALLEN (D. C.), Science and the Universality of the FloodRésumé: RAPPAPORT (R.), Geology and Orthodoxy : The case of Noah's flood in eighteenth-century thoughtRésumé: MOORE (J. R.), Charles Lyell and the Noachian DelugeRésumé: GOULD (S. J.), Creationism : Genesis Vs. Geology Item type:

Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Éric-de-Dampierre | Fonds général | GN 469 .E5 D914 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Available | L11943 |
bibliogr. dissém.
The Flood (Genesis 6-9)
HABEL (N.C.), The Two Flood Stories in Genesis
SMITH (G.), The Chaldean Account of the Deluge
HMMERLY-DUPUY (D.), Some Observations on the Assyro-Babylonian and Sumerian Flood Stories
FRYMER-KENSKY (T.), The Atrahasis Epic and its Significance for our Understanding of Genesis 1-9
FOLLANSBEE (E.), The Story of the Flood in the Light of Comparative Semitic Mythology
WOOLLEY (L.), Stories of the Creation and the Flood
CALDER (W. M.), New Light on Ovid's Story of Philemon and Baucis
FRAZER (J. G.), The Great Flood
KELSEN (H.), The Principle of Retribution in the Flood and Catastrophe Myths
ROHEIM (G.), The Flood Myth as Vesical Dream
DUNDES (A.), The Flood as Male Myth of Creation
HORCASITAS (F.), An Analysis of the Deluge Myth in Mesoamerica
LAMMEL (A.), Historical Changes as Reflected in South American Indian Myths
KOLIG (E.), Noah's Ark Revisited : On the myth-land connection in traditional Australian aboriginal thought
KHLER-MEYER (E.), Myth Motifs in Flood Stories from the Grassland of Cameroon
DEMETRIO (F.), The Flood Motif and the Symbolism of Rebirth in Filipino Mythology
LINDELL (K.), SWAHN (J.-O.) & TAYANIN (D.), The Flood : Three Northern Kammu versions of the story of creation
KOPPERS (W.), The Deluge Myth of the Bhils of Central India
SHULMAN (D.), The Tamil Flood Myths and the Cankam Legend
GINZBERG (L.), Noah and the Flood in Jewish Legend
UTLEY (F. L.), The Devil in the Ark (AaTh 825)
ALLEN (D. C.), Science and the Universality of the Flood
RAPPAPORT (R.), Geology and Orthodoxy : The case of Noah's flood in eighteenth-century thought
MOORE (J. R.), Charles Lyell and the Noachian Deluge
GOULD (S. J.), Creationism : Genesis Vs. Geology
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