Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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Popular Beliefs and Folklore Tradition in Siberia

de Dioszegi, Vilmos ed; Dunn, Stephen P. trad.

Éditeur: Bloomington, La Haye : Indiana University, Mouton, 1968.Description: 498 p., fig., photogr., index.N° Inventaire: L10674.Thématique: Musique religieuse | Chamanisme | TotémismeThématique spécifique: Cérémonie | Magie | Nom de personne | Culte de l'ours | Art | Anthropomorphisme | Culte des ancêtres | Chant rituel | Extase | Linguistique | Tambour chamanique | Chant | Croyance | Ours | Enfant | Rite funéraire | Mythe | Tradition orale | Rite de purification | Culte | Transe | Animal | Objet sacré | Tabou | Percussions | Rituel | Séance chamaniqueGéographique: Sibérie | RussieEthnique: Ougrien | Khante | Enètse | Nivkh | Samoyède | Evenk | Nganassane | Tatar | Manse | Tofalar | Touvain | Chor | Sâme | Kète | Inuit | HongroisContenu: Introduction / Gunda, B. -- Antal Reguly / Kodolanyi, Jr. J. -- Seite Culte and Drum Magic of the Lapps / Manker, E. -- Survivals of Totemism in the Hungarian Taltos Tradition / Gunda, B. -- The Hungarian Shaman's Technique of Trance Induction / Balazs, J. -- Some Observances and Customs of the Mansi (Voguls) in Connection with Chidbirth / Rombandeeva, E.I. -- Two Purification Rites in the Bear Cult of the Ob-Ugrians / Kalman, B. -- On Some Ancient Anthropomorphic Images from West Siberia / Moszynska, V. -- Khanty (Ostyak) Sheds from Sacrifical Objects / Kodolanyi, Jr J. -- An Ostyak Tale from M.A. Castrén's Manuscripts / Steinitz, W. -- On the Trail of Ostyak / Vertes, E. -- Funeral Rites among the Enets (Yenisei Samoyeds) / Berbov, G.D. -- On Some Problems of Versification in Samoyed Shamanistic Songs / Galid, L. -- How Sereptie Djaruoskin of the Nganasans (Tavgi Samoyeds) Became a Shaman / Popov, A.A. -- The Classification of Samoyed Shaman / Hajadu, P. -- The Cult of Bear among the Ket (Yenisei Ostyaks) / Alekseenko, E.A. -- Survivals of Totemism in the Ancestor Cult of the Kazan Tatars / Jusupov, G.V. -- Shaman's Drums of Altaic Ethnic Groups / Potapov, L.P. -- The Protection of Children among the Shors / Dyrenkova, N.P. -- The Problem of Ethnic Homogeneity of Tofa (Karagas) Shamanism / Dioszegi, V. -- The Tuvan (Soyot) Shaman's Drum and the Ceremony of Its "Enlivening" / Vajnstejn, S.I. -- The Acquisition od Shamanistic Ability among the Evenki / Vasilevic, G.M. -- A Nanai (Gold) Tale about the Fortieth Brother and His Wife, a Washbear / Avrorin, V.A. -- The Three-Grade Amulets among the Nanai (Golds) / Diosegi, V. -- Features of the Ancient Religious Rites and Taboos of the Nivkhi (Gilyaks) / Taksami, C.M. -- Remarks on Nivkhi (Gilyak) Proper Names (Anthroponyms) / Panfilov, V.Z. -- Popular Conceptions, Religious Beliefs and Rites of the Asiatic Eskimoes / Menovscikov, G.A. -- The Preservation of Animal Bones in the Hunting Rites of Some North-Eurasian Peoples / Paulson, I. -- Mother Cult in Siberia / Nahodil, O. -- About the Art of Ancient Tribes of the Lower Tomi / Matjuscenko, V.I. -- Two Asiatic Sidereal Names / Mandoki, L. Item type: Ouvrage
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Introduction / Gunda, B. -- Antal Reguly / Kodolanyi, Jr. J. -- Seite Culte and Drum Magic of the Lapps / Manker, E. -- Survivals of Totemism in the Hungarian Taltos Tradition / Gunda, B. -- The Hungarian Shaman's Technique of Trance Induction / Balazs, J. -- Some Observances and Customs of the Mansi (Voguls) in Connection with Chidbirth / Rombandeeva, E.I. -- Two Purification Rites in the Bear Cult of the Ob-Ugrians / Kalman, B. -- On Some Ancient Anthropomorphic Images from West Siberia / Moszynska, V. -- Khanty (Ostyak) Sheds from Sacrifical Objects / Kodolanyi, Jr J. -- An Ostyak Tale from M.A. Castrén's Manuscripts / Steinitz, W. -- On the Trail of Ostyak / Vertes, E. -- Funeral Rites among the Enets (Yenisei Samoyeds) / Berbov, G.D. -- On Some Problems of Versification in Samoyed Shamanistic Songs / Galid, L. -- How Sereptie Djaruoskin of the Nganasans (Tavgi Samoyeds) Became a Shaman / Popov, A.A. -- The Classification of Samoyed Shaman / Hajadu, P. -- The Cult of Bear among the Ket (Yenisei Ostyaks) / Alekseenko, E.A. -- Survivals of Totemism in the Ancestor Cult of the Kazan Tatars / Jusupov, G.V. -- Shaman's Drums of Altaic Ethnic Groups / Potapov, L.P. -- The Protection of Children among the Shors / Dyrenkova, N.P. -- The Problem of Ethnic Homogeneity of Tofa (Karagas) Shamanism / Dioszegi, V. -- The Tuvan (Soyot) Shaman's Drum and the Ceremony of Its "Enlivening" / Vajnstejn, S.I. -- The Acquisition od Shamanistic Ability among the Evenki / Vasilevic, G.M. -- A Nanai (Gold) Tale about the Fortieth Brother and His Wife, a Washbear / Avrorin, V.A. -- The Three-Grade Amulets among the Nanai (Golds) / Diosegi, V. -- Features of the Ancient Religious Rites and Taboos of the Nivkhi (Gilyaks) / Taksami, C.M. -- Remarks on Nivkhi (Gilyak) Proper Names (Anthroponyms) / Panfilov, V.Z. -- Popular Conceptions, Religious Beliefs and Rites of the Asiatic Eskimoes / Menovscikov, G.A. -- The Preservation of Animal Bones in the Hunting Rites of Some North-Eurasian Peoples / Paulson, I. -- Mother Cult in Siberia / Nahodil, O. -- About the Art of Ancient Tribes of the Lower Tomi / Matjuscenko, V.I. -- Two Asiatic Sidereal Names / Mandoki, L.

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