Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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Semiotics, self and society.

de Sebeok, Thomas Albert préf; Urban, Greg ed; Lee, Benjamin ed.

Collection: Approaches to Semiotics ; 84 .Éditeur: Berlin, New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 1989.Description: xvi-311 p. : fig.ISBN: 3-11-011978-1.N° Inventaire: L11671, EREA-2665.Thématique: Sémiotique | Linguistique | Identité personnelleThématique spécifique: Sémantique | Théorie de la communication | Mythe | Universaux linguistiques | Philosophie | Communication verbale | Raison | Psychanalyse | Conception du corps | Sémiologie | Code symbolique | Modèle structural | Discours | Suicide | Pronom | Inconscient | Transcendance | Essence | Narration | Esprit | Structure sémantique | Connaissance de soi | Discours | Conscience de soi | Structure linguistique | Signe | Analyse du discoursGéographique: Arabie | Inde | Sri Lanka | Irlande | Proche-Orient | Amérique du Nord | EuropeEthnique: Irlandais | Indien -- Inde | Arabe | CheyenneAuteur cité: Descartes, René | Pierce (C. S.) | Hymes, Dell H | Singer (M.)Contenu: The Self in Psychoanalytic Self Psychology / Wolf, E.S. -- The "I" of Discourse / Urban, G. -- The Self in Northern Cheyenne Language and Culture / Straus, T. -- The Semeiosis of Suicide in Sri Lanka / Daniel, E.V. -- Responsibility and Compensatory Justice in Arab Culture and Law / Rosen, L. -- A Confusion of Signs : The semiosis of anthropological Ireland / Varenne, H. -- Against Coping across Cultures : The semiotics of self-help rebuffed / Boon, J.A. -- Singer, Kant and the Semiotic Self / Leaf, M.J. -- Semiotic Origins of the Mind-Body Dualism / Lee, B. -- Pronouns, Persons and the Semiotic Self / Singer, M. -- Afterthoughts / Lee, B. ; Urban, G. Item type: Ouvrage
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Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général EREA-ETHNO 176 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available EREA-2665
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général GN 306.9 L477 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available L11671

Notes. Bibliogr. dissém. Index.

The Self in Psychoanalytic Self Psychology / Wolf, E.S. -- The "I" of Discourse / Urban, G. -- The Self in Northern Cheyenne Language and Culture / Straus, T. -- The Semeiosis of Suicide in Sri Lanka / Daniel, E.V. -- Responsibility and Compensatory Justice in Arab Culture and Law / Rosen, L. -- A Confusion of Signs : The semiosis of anthropological Ireland / Varenne, H. -- Against Coping across Cultures : The semiotics of self-help rebuffed / Boon, J.A. -- Singer, Kant and the Semiotic Self / Leaf, M.J. -- Semiotic Origins of the Mind-Body Dualism / Lee, B. -- Pronouns, Persons and the Semiotic Self / Singer, M. -- Afterthoughts / Lee, B. ; Urban, G.

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