Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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Noun Classes and Categorization : Proceedings of a Symposium on Categorization and Noun Classification, Eugene, Oregon, October 1983.

de Craig, Colette ed.

Collection: Typological Studies in Language ; 4 .Éditeur: Amsterdam, Philadelphia : John Benjamins, 1986.Description: vii-481 p. : fig., tabl.ISBN: 90-272-2873-6.N° Inventaire: L11275.Thématique: Linguistique | Classification | Grammaire | Sémantique | NomThématique spécifique: Universaux linguistiques | Enonciation | Vocabulaire | Taxinomie | Discours | Idéogramme | Communication verbale | Acquisition du langage | Chinois (langue) | Métaphore | Anglais (langue) | Classification des langues | Ecriture | Ecriture cunéiforme | Japonais (langue) | Hiéroglyphe | Diffusion lexicale | Nomination | Image | Malais (langue) | Enfance | Objet | Ethnolinguistique | Dialecte | Alphabet | Birman (langue) | Processus cognitif | Système de pensée | Mot | Lexicologie | Langage par signes | Bantou (langue) | Jacaltèque (langue) | Numération | Morphologie -- linguistiqueGéographique: Afrique occidentale | Amérique du Nord | Niger | Cambodge | Thaïlande | Taïwan | Congo | Pérou | Egypte | Amazonie | Malaisie | Guatemala | Afrique orientale | Asie du Sud-Est | Chine | Polynésie | Birmanie | Australie | Moyen-Orient | Amérique du Sud | VietnamEthnique: Bahnar | Viet | Pawnee | Môn-khmer | Caddo | Inuit | Bantou | Maya | Yagua | Khmer | Iroquois | Swahili | Ngandi | Tupi | Aborigène | Thaï | EskimoAuteur cité: Wittgenstein, Ludwig | PlatonContenu: Classifiers as a Reflection of Mind / Lakoff, George -- Empirical Studies of Prototypes / Posner, Michael -- Components and Categorization / Tversky, Barbara -- Prototypes : Between Plato and Wittgenstein / Givon, T. -- Noun Classes and Noun Classification in Typological Perspective / Dixon, R.M.W. -- Noun Classification in Yagua / Payne, Doris L. -- Graphemic classifiers in Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Mesopotamian Cuneiform / Rude, Noel -- Gender and Folk Taxinomy : The indexical relation between grammatical and lexical categorization / Zubin, David ; Köpcke, Klaus Michael -- The Classifier System in American Sign Language / Suppalla, Ted -- The Semantics of Noun Classes in Proto Bantu / Denny, J. Peter ; Creider, Chet A. -- Numeral Classifiers in Austroasiatic / Adams, Karen -- Jacaltec Noun Classifiers : A study in language and culture / Craig, Colette G. -- The Semantic Role of Noun Classifiers / Denny, J. Peter -- Some Discourse Functions of Classifiers in Malay / Hopper, Paul J. -- The Figure a Classifier Makes : Describing a particular Burmese classifier / Becker, A.J. -- The Anaphoric Use of Classifiers in Japanese / Downing, Pamela -- The Convergence of Noun Classification Systems / Mithun, Marianne -- Taking Stock : The development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children / Erbaugh, Mary S. -- Toward an History of Tai Classifier System / Delancey, Scott -- Niger-Congo Noun Class and Agreement Systems in Language Acquisition and Historical Change / Demuth, Katherine ; Faraclas, Nicolas ; Marchese, Lynell. Item type: Ouvrage
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Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général GN 306 .Géné. C887 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Available L11275

Bibliogr. dissém. Notes. Index. Append.

Classifiers as a Reflection of Mind / Lakoff, George -- Empirical Studies of Prototypes / Posner, Michael -- Components and Categorization / Tversky, Barbara -- Prototypes : Between Plato and Wittgenstein / Givon, T. -- Noun Classes and Noun Classification in Typological Perspective / Dixon, R.M.W. -- Noun Classification in Yagua / Payne, Doris L. -- Graphemic classifiers in Egyptian Hieroglyphics and Mesopotamian Cuneiform / Rude, Noel -- Gender and Folk Taxinomy : The indexical relation between grammatical and lexical categorization / Zubin, David ; Köpcke, Klaus Michael -- The Classifier System in American Sign Language / Suppalla, Ted -- The Semantics of Noun Classes in Proto Bantu / Denny, J. Peter ; Creider, Chet A. -- Numeral Classifiers in Austroasiatic / Adams, Karen -- Jacaltec Noun Classifiers : A study in language and culture / Craig, Colette G. -- The Semantic Role of Noun Classifiers / Denny, J. Peter -- Some Discourse Functions of Classifiers in Malay / Hopper, Paul J. -- The Figure a Classifier Makes : Describing a particular Burmese classifier / Becker, A.J. -- The Anaphoric Use of Classifiers in Japanese / Downing, Pamela -- The Convergence of Noun Classification Systems / Mithun, Marianne -- Taking Stock : The development of Chinese noun classifiers historically and in young children / Erbaugh, Mary S. -- Toward an History of Tai Classifier System / Delancey, Scott -- Niger-Congo Noun Class and Agreement Systems in Language Acquisition and Historical Change / Demuth, Katherine ; Faraclas, Nicolas ; Marchese, Lynell.

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