Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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A black Byzantium : the kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria

de Nadel, Siegfried Frederick; Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry préf.

Éditeur: London : Oxford University Press, 1951 ; 1961 ; 1965 ; 1969.Description: xiv-420 p. : cartes dépl. h.-t., tabl., plans, pl. photogr. en noir.N° Inventaire: L70, LEB835, FGLM235, FCT675, FJFVIN069.Thématique: Structure sociale | Organisation politique | Histoire | Organisation sociale | PouvoirThématique spécifique: Environnement | Structure économique | Agriculture | Percussion | Immigration | Magie | Famille | Village | Industrie | Royauté | Classe sociale | Mariage | Parenté | Prix de la fiancée | Classe d'âge | Tambour | Esclavage | Musique | Musicien | Femme | Education | Economie | Production économiqueGéographique: Afrique occidentale | NigeriaEthnique: Noupé | YorubaContenu: Environment: The Country. Vegetation and Natural Resources. Climate. Health and Disease. Population Movement -- Culture, Tribe, Society: Problems of Definition. The Tribe. The Sub-tribe -- Introduction to Nupe Kinship -- The Community: Village and Town -- Political Organization of the Village: The Council of Elders. Chieftainship. Village Governement. Balance of Power. Binding Forces -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: The State. Foundation of the Kingdom. The Fulani Conquest -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: Kingship. A Day of Court Routine. The Royal Nobility. Officers of State. Slavery. War -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: The Feudal State. Patronage and Clientship. Social Class in Nupe. Binding Forces -- The Position of the Women: Ranks and Offices. Marriage and Status. Polygamy and Sex-morality -- Government in Modern Nupe: The Administration of the Emirate. Town Administration. Taxation. Law. Problems of Adaptation -- Economics Resources: Possession of Land. Live Stock -- Agriculture : Production: Country and Crops. Farming Technique. Rotation of Crops. Disposal of Crops. tree Cultivation and Fruit Industry. Innovations in Production. Technique and Knowledge. By-products of Agriculture -- Agriculture: Organisation of Labour : Individual and Family Work. Maintenance of Labour. Collective Labour. Wage Labour. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Industries: Organisation of Craft-guilds. Blacksmith Work. Brass-and Silver-Smiths. Glass Workers. Weavers. Beadworkers -- Industries: Individual Crafts. Meaning and Future of Guild Organisation. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Free Workers: Barbers-doctors. Drummers and Dancers -- Industrial Labour -- Wealth: Money Capital. Pawning -- Economic Balance: Exchange: Currency, measures and prices. Market and Trade. Modern Business Methods. Trade as a Profession. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Economic Balance: Means and wants: The Problem. Standards of Living : Necessities of Life. Standards of Living : Cultural requirements. Standards of Living : Status and Prestige. Wants and Cultural Assimilation. Wealth and Status -- Economics and Social Structure: Economic Mobility. Risk and Insurance. Economic Relations and the Group -- Education for Citizenship: Mallam Schools. Age-grade Associations. The Meaning of Nupe Life. Item type: Ouvrage
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Current library Collection Call number Status Date due Barcode
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds Jeanne-Françoise Vincent (fjfvin) FJFVIN 069 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consultation sur place FJFVIN069
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds Claude Tardits (fct) FCT 675 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consultation sur place FCT675
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds Guy-Le-Moal FGLM 235 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consultation sur place FGLM235
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds Lebeuf LEB 835 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consultation sur place LEB835
Éric-de-Dampierre Fonds général DT 515.55 .Nupe N13 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Consultation sur place L70

1e éd. : 1942.

Notes. Index. Append.

Environment: The Country. Vegetation and Natural Resources. Climate. Health and Disease. Population Movement -- Culture, Tribe, Society: Problems of Definition. The Tribe. The Sub-tribe -- Introduction to Nupe Kinship -- The Community: Village and Town -- Political Organization of the Village: The Council of Elders. Chieftainship. Village Governement. Balance of Power. Binding Forces -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: The State. Foundation of the Kingdom. The Fulani Conquest -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: Kingship. A Day of Court Routine. The Royal Nobility. Officers of State. Slavery. War -- Political History of Nupe Kingdom: The Feudal State. Patronage and Clientship. Social Class in Nupe. Binding Forces -- The Position of the Women: Ranks and Offices. Marriage and Status. Polygamy and Sex-morality -- Government in Modern Nupe: The Administration of the Emirate. Town Administration. Taxation. Law. Problems of Adaptation -- Economics Resources: Possession of Land. Live Stock -- Agriculture : Production: Country and Crops. Farming Technique. Rotation of Crops. Disposal of Crops. tree Cultivation and Fruit Industry. Innovations in Production. Technique and Knowledge. By-products of Agriculture -- Agriculture: Organisation of Labour : Individual and Family Work. Maintenance of Labour. Collective Labour. Wage Labour. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Industries: Organisation of Craft-guilds. Blacksmith Work. Brass-and Silver-Smiths. Glass Workers. Weavers. Beadworkers -- Industries: Individual Crafts. Meaning and Future of Guild Organisation. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Free Workers: Barbers-doctors. Drummers and Dancers -- Industrial Labour -- Wealth: Money Capital. Pawning -- Economic Balance: Exchange: Currency, measures and prices. Market and Trade. Modern Business Methods. Trade as a Profession. Division of Labour between the Sexes -- Economic Balance: Means and wants: The Problem. Standards of Living : Necessities of Life. Standards of Living : Cultural requirements. Standards of Living : Status and Prestige. Wants and Cultural Assimilation. Wealth and Status -- Economics and Social Structure: Economic Mobility. Risk and Insurance. Economic Relations and the Group -- Education for Citizenship: Mallam Schools. Age-grade Associations. The Meaning of Nupe Life.

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