Bibliothèque Éric-de-Dampierre
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South Africa : sociological analyses.

de Wiendieck, Gerd ed; Broembsen, Max H. von ed; Hare, A. Paul ed.

Éditeur: Cape Town, Oxford, London : Oxford University Press, 1979.Description: 430 p.N° Inventaire: L7529.Thématique: Sociologie | Changement social | Changement politiqueThématique spécifique: Economie | Religion | Travail | Secte religieuse | Mariage | Industrialisation | Classe sociale | Droit coutumier | Urbanisation | Education | Racisme | Structure sociale | Politique | Contact culturel | Discrimination raciale | Ségrégation raciale | Race | Famille | Conscience ethnique Géographique: Afrique du Sud Contenu: Theoretical Perspectives : Introduction / Archibald, D. -- Introduction to Parsonian Theory / Effrat, A. -- Marxism : Science or revolution? / Colletti, L. -- Toward a Sociology of the Absurd / Lyman, S. ; Scott, M.B. -- Culture : Introduction / Schlemmer, L. -- The Development of the Afrikaner's Self-Concept / Goliomee, H. -- Magic, Sorcery and Football among Urban Zulu / Scotch, N.A. -- The Rise of Black Consciousness in South Africa / Adam, H. -- The Sociology of Religion : Introduction / Jubber, K.C. -- Religion and Political Involvement / Janosik, R.J. -- The Relationship Between the Dogmatic Teachings and Attitudes Towards Race Relations of Two South African Religious Denominations / Buis, R.P.D. -- A Sociological Perspective on Religious Reality / Jubber, K.C. -- The Family : Introduction / Unterhalter, B. -- Portrait of Indian South Africans / Meer, F. -- Impact of the City / Dubb, A.A. -- Marriage and Family Life / Brindley, M. -- Education : Introduction / Wiendieck, G. -- The Dilemma of Education in Plural Societies / Dickie-Clark, H.F. -- Economy and Labour : Introduction / Cilliers, S.P. -- White and Black Labour Relations in Historical Perspective / Orpen, C. -- Economic Perspective on Organised Labour and Socio-economic development / Diamond, C.R. -- Industrial Progress / Cilliers, S.P. -- Law and Crime / Graser, R. -- Law and Criminal Procedure in South Africa / Kahn, E. -- The Reformation of the South African Penal System / Graser, R. -- Crime in the Coloured Community / Cilliers, S.P. -- Social Stratification, Colour and South Africa / Savage, M. -- Perverse Growth and Income Distribution in South Africa / Archer, S. -- The Emergent African Middle Class / Mkele, (N.), Class, Status and Ethnicity as Perceived by Johannesburg Africans / Mayer, P. -- South African Society in Comparative Perspective / Rex, J. -- Political Sociology / Bekker, S. -- Decolonising South Africa / Adam, H. -- Democratic Alternatives to the "Westminster" Model / Toit, A. du -- Politics and Privilege in South Africa / Zyl Slabbert, F. van -- Social Structure and Social Change / Wacks, J. -- White Prosperity and White Supremacy in South Africa Today / Johnstone, F.A. -- The Abolition of the Masters and Servants Act / Bundy, C. -- Research : Problems and opportunities / Broembsen, M.H. von -- Social Research in a Divided Society / Welsh, D. -- Some Problems in Race Relations Research in South Africa / Lever, H. Item type: Ouvrage
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Theoretical Perspectives : Introduction / Archibald, D. -- Introduction to Parsonian Theory / Effrat, A. -- Marxism : Science or revolution? / Colletti, L. -- Toward a Sociology of the Absurd / Lyman, S. ; Scott, M.B. -- Culture : Introduction / Schlemmer, L. -- The Development of the Afrikaner's Self-Concept / Goliomee, H. -- Magic, Sorcery and Football among Urban Zulu / Scotch, N.A. -- The Rise of Black Consciousness in South Africa / Adam, H. -- The Sociology of Religion : Introduction / Jubber, K.C. -- Religion and Political Involvement / Janosik, R.J. -- The Relationship Between the Dogmatic Teachings and Attitudes Towards Race Relations of Two South African Religious Denominations / Buis, R.P.D. -- A Sociological Perspective on Religious Reality / Jubber, K.C. -- The Family : Introduction / Unterhalter, B. -- Portrait of Indian South Africans / Meer, F. -- Impact of the City / Dubb, A.A. -- Marriage and Family Life / Brindley, M. -- Education : Introduction / Wiendieck, G. -- The Dilemma of Education in Plural Societies / Dickie-Clark, H.F. -- Economy and Labour : Introduction / Cilliers, S.P. -- White and Black Labour Relations in Historical Perspective / Orpen, C. -- Economic Perspective on Organised Labour and Socio-economic development / Diamond, C.R. -- Industrial Progress / Cilliers, S.P. -- Law and Crime / Graser, R. -- Law and Criminal Procedure in South Africa / Kahn, E. -- The Reformation of the South African Penal System / Graser, R. -- Crime in the Coloured Community / Cilliers, S.P. -- Social Stratification, Colour and South Africa / Savage, M. -- Perverse Growth and Income Distribution in South Africa / Archer, S. -- The Emergent African Middle Class / Mkele, (N.), Class, Status and Ethnicity as Perceived by Johannesburg Africans / Mayer, P. -- South African Society in Comparative Perspective / Rex, J. -- Political Sociology / Bekker, S. -- Decolonising South Africa / Adam, H. -- Democratic Alternatives to the "Westminster" Model / Toit, A. du -- Politics and Privilege in South Africa / Zyl Slabbert, F. van -- Social Structure and Social Change / Wacks, J. -- White Prosperity and White Supremacy in South Africa Today / Johnstone, F.A. -- The Abolition of the Masters and Servants Act / Bundy, C. -- Research : Problems and opportunities / Broembsen, M.H. von -- Social Research in a Divided Society / Welsh, D. -- Some Problems in Race Relations Research in South Africa / Lever, H.

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