Chinese Thought and Institutions
de Fairbank, John K. ed.
Collection: Comparative Studies of Cultures and Civilizations .Éditeur: Chicago, London : The University of Chicago Press, 1964.Description: xiv-438 p., tabl., fig., carte, notes, index.N° Inventaire: L0004.Thématique: Politique | Idéologie | Histoire culturelle | Institution politique | ConfucianismeThématique spécifique: Parti politique | Art | Factionnalisme | Académie | Religion | Polythéisme | Despotisme | Ethique | Classe sociale | Paysannerie | Bouddhisme | Esthétique | Culte des ancêtres | Réforme | Syncrétisme | Féodalité | Lettré-fonctionnaire | Mobilité sociale | Peinture | Eunuque | Taoïsme | Famille | Ciel | Droit | Cinq éléments | Commerçant | Barbare | Communisme | Empereur | Royauté | Propriété foncière | Néoconfucianisme | Impôt | Calendrier | Administration | Astronomie Géographique: Chine Ethnique: Mandchou | Mongol | Chinois | HanAuteur cité: Fang Zhongyan | Ban Gu | Sima Qian | Donglin (Académie) | Mingyi daifang lu | Huang Tsung-hsi | Fang Chung-yen | Pan Gu | Tung-lin (Académie) | Ming-i Tai-fang Lu | Mencius | Confucius | Huang Zongxi | Bada shanren | Shi TaoPersonnage: Yang Jian (Sui Wendi) | Wei Chung-hsien | Wei Zhongxian | Yang Chien (Sui Wen-ti)Résumé: FAIRBANK (J.K.), Introduction : Problems of method and of content ; SCWARTZ (B.), The Intellectual history of China :Preliminary reflections ; EBERHARD (W.), The Political function of astronomy and astronomers in Han China ; WRIGHT (A.F.), The Formation of Sui ideology , 581-604 ; LIU (J.T.C.), The Tung-lin movement of the late Ming period ; BARY (T. de), Chinese despotism and the confucian ideal: A seventeenth-century view ; FAIRBANK (J.K.), Synarchy under the treaties ; CH'ü (T'ung-tsu), Chinese class structure and its ideology ; KRACKE (E.A. jr.), Region, family and the individual in the chinese examination system ; YANG (C.K.), The Functional relationship between confucian thought and chinese religion ; YANG (Lien-sheng), The Concept of "pao" as a basis for social relations in China ; WILHELM (H.), The Scholar's frustration : Notes on a type of "fu" ; LEVENSON (J.R.), The Amateur ideal in Ming and early Ch'ing society : Evidence from painting Item type:

Current library | Collection | Call number | Status | Date due | Barcode | |
Éric-de-Dampierre | Fonds général | DS 721 F16 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) | Consultation sur place | L0004 |
FAIRBANK (J.K.), Introduction : Problems of method and of content ; SCWARTZ (B.), The Intellectual history of China :Preliminary reflections ; EBERHARD (W.), The Political function of astronomy and astronomers in Han China ; WRIGHT (A.F.), The Formation of Sui ideology , 581-604 ; LIU (J.T.C.), The Tung-lin movement of the late Ming period ; BARY (T. de), Chinese despotism and the confucian ideal: A seventeenth-century view ; FAIRBANK (J.K.), Synarchy under the treaties ; CH'ü (T'ung-tsu), Chinese class structure and its ideology ; KRACKE (E.A. jr.), Region, family and the individual in the chinese examination system ; YANG (C.K.), The Functional relationship between confucian thought and chinese religion ; YANG (Lien-sheng), The Concept of "pao" as a basis for social relations in China ; WILHELM (H.), The Scholar's frustration : Notes on a type of "fu" ; LEVENSON (J.R.), The Amateur ideal in Ming and early Ch'ing society : Evidence from painting
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